50+ Kids Snack Ideas

I’m pretty sure most toddlers and kids are the same in that they love ALL.THE.SNACKS. Cooper and Reese sure do and can go a little overboard especially when we are home a lot. I’m always trying to think of new options for snacks because they are both the type that get tired of the same things. I try to offer a decent amount of healthy options but also let them enjoy some of the fun stuff too. Everything in moderation is key for us. I was actually just having this chat with a few of my girlfriends and we started Read More

Homemade Popsicle Recipe

Cooper‘s favorite summer treat is definitely popsicles and he asks to eat one almost every afternoon. I thought it would be a fun activity for us to make them on our own together plus these could be a lot healthier with less sugar and no food dyes. They are really simple to do on your own – all you need are a few ingredients, a blender/mixer, and a popsicle mold kit. We used this one from Target that is actually on sale right now. We had so much fun making these together and he said he likes these better than Read More

My Favorite Easy and Family Friendly Recipes

If you’re like me then you are always looking for simple and family friendly recipes and even more so now that many of us are cooking more than ever with the Stay at Home orders.  Most days I don’t have much time to cook dinner so I prefer meals that I can prep ahead of time or are just easy to throw together.   If I pull up a recipe that has a long list of ingredients then I just move on……I likely don’t have time for that :). The meals I’m sharing today are my go-to’s that require minimal ingredients, Read More