Ways to Give Back in Charlotte as a Family this Holiday Season

I know many of us are looking for ways to give back to those in need at the holidays and teach our children that there is more to the season than just receiving gifts. With that in mind I’ve put together a list of organizations in Charlotte that have volunteer opportunities for families this Christmas season. A majority of organizations begin holiday preparations in November and have the greatest need during that time or early December.

I’ve tried to find options that allow for going and doing something tangible together but there are also some that can be done at home. Visit each of these organization’s websites via the links to learn more and sign up to volunteer. Some types of volunteer opportunities will have age requirements so make sure to take a look at those.

The list:

The Salvation Army has a wide range of family volunteer needs including Christmas Center Volunteers, Angel Trees, Magical Toy Drive, You Give Goods Drives, Bell Ringing, and more. You can also serve a meal at the Center of Hope which is their women and children’s shelter. We’ve done an angel tree each year and purchased the gifts together as a family. I try to select kids in the same age range as mine so they know the types of items to purchase.

Thompson Child and Family Focus acts as a Secret Santa to nearly 800 children in the Carolinas each year. You can sign up to buy toys off of their wish lists or volunteer to collect, label, and sort gifts.

A Roof Above helps the homeless community in our area. During the holidays you can support them through doing a collection drive and donating items or purchasing directly from their Amazon Wishlist. They also offer group volunteer opportunities to sponsor or bring food to one of their shelter locations.

Operation Christmas Child delivers shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, and personal care items to children in need all over the world. You can pack a shoebox as a family and drop off at many locations around Charlotte.

Hugaroo is a local organization that provides new stuffed animals to children who have experienced a life-threatening illness, traumatic event, or are at risk. You can organize your own stuffed animal drive or event to collect stuffed animals.

4th Annual Holiday Toy Drive for Novant Hemby Children’s Hospital hosted by Lauren Palmer and Kristen Montgomery Photography. You can purchase toys off their Amazon Wish List to be donated directly to children in the hospital. This year they are also partnering with Hopebox to send comfort items to bless the caregivers of critically ill children.

Every December, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Charlotte invites their guest families and other families with children receiving treatment at their partner hospitals to select holiday gifts for their family members – at no cost! The Holiday Shop is run 100% on donations, so they are in need of new, unwrapped items that would make great gifts for moms, dads, and children of all ages (infant to teens) so that not only children receive gifts, but children can also give gifts to their parents and spouses to each other. Visit the link to learn more.

Lights for Levine is an event happening on Dec. 2nd at 7pm at Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital. Everyone is invited to shine flashlights and light luminaries outside the hospital and the patients will shine back. There will be speakers, a scavenger hunt, and a station to make cards for kids in the hospital.

Another way to give back this holiday season and get your children involved is planning a special outing to bless strangers together with your family. Buy a gift card for your cashier at Target, make bags to pass out to homeless people you see on the road, or pay for someone’s meal in the drive through. These are a simple ways to give back and you don’t need a big budget to do it.

Do you know of any opportunities we should add to the list? Please add them in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Ways to Give Back in Charlotte as a Family this Holiday Season

  1. Molly LoSchiavo says:

    A giving machine is coming to Blakeney! Dec 13-17. I read that they’ll have events (i.e. live music, Carolina Panthers, performers) each night. Great event for families to come and give together. They’re also teaming up with local charities so people can give to those in our own community as well as globally. Check out more here: https://allevents.in/pineville/charlotte-nc-light-the-world-mobile-giving-machine/200023464301833

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